List of Google Now Voice Commands

Nah kali ini ane mau share (hasil copas) voice commands untuk Google Now,
Google Now sendri adalah fitur Assistat yang ada di OS Android Jellybean keatas, untuk yang menngunakan Google Now Launcher bisa langsung mengaksesnya dengan cara mengucapkan "Ok Google" pada saat home aktif lalu ucapkan perintahnya (tentunya pake bahasa inggris) dan jika pengucapan anda kurang jelas maka Google Now juga akan kebingungan, ucapkan
“No, I said...(perintahnya)”
silahkan dicoba, fitur ini juga bisa mengetes kemampuan bicara inggris anda :p

General information

  • How old is [Neil deGrasse Tyson]?
  • Where was [Louis C.K.] born?
  • Define [colloquial] (Or “What does [colloquial] mean?”)
  • What time is it in [Tokyo]?
  • Search for [photography tips]
  • Show me pictures of [the Leaning Tower of Pisa]
  • Do I need an umbrella today? What’s the weather like? What’s the weather in [New Orleans] [this weekend]?
  • What the [Google] stock price? What is [Apple] trading at?
  • What’s [182 yards] in [miles]? What is [12 ounces] in [liters]?
  • What’s [135] divided by [7.5]? (A great many types of math equations will work.)
  • Search [Tumblr] for [cat pictures] (more apps are added to this search-within-apps function all the time)

Device control

  • Open []
  • Take a picture (“Take a photo” also works)
  • Record a video
  • Open [Spotify]


  • What’s the tip for [123 dollars]?
  • Set an alarm for [6:30 am]
  • Set a timer for [20 minutes]
  • Create a calendar event: [Dinner with Glenda, Saturday at 9pm.]
  • Remind me to [buy coffee at 7am] (try locations! Remind me to [buy coffee filters at Walgreens])
  • What is my schedule for tomorrow? (also: What does my day look like [Friday]?)
  • Where’s my package? (tracking confirmation must be in Gmail)
  • Make a note: [update my router firmware] (also try “Note to self:” This works with multiple apps, and you can even email yourself!)
  • Find [Florence Ion’s] [phone number] (Works with all info in your contacts - addresses, birthdays, etc.)
  • Show me my bills. (or: My bills due this week.)


  • Call [Jon] (also works with relationships: Call [sister])
  • Text [Susie] [great job on that feature yesterday] (also works with relationships: Text [mom] [I’m not going to be able to pick you up from the airport, period, I’m a bad son, period])
  • Send email to [Robert Baratheon], subject, [hunting], message, [I don’t think you should drink so much when you go hunting, period]
  • Post to [Twitter]: [Oh my god the Red Wedding episode!]

Navigation and Travel

  • Where is the nearest [sushi restauraunt]?
  • Navigate to [Willis Tower, Chicago] 
  • Directions to [Fisherman’s Wharf] by [bike] (also try “Directions home” or “How do I get home?”)
  • Where is [the Louvre]?
  • Show me the menu for [Green Chile Kitchen]
  • Call [Asian Art Museum]
  • Show me my flight info
  • Where’s my hotel?
  • What are some attractions around here?
  • How do you say [good night] in [Japanese]?
  • What is [50,000 yen] in [dollars]?
  • What’s the flight status of [United] flight [735]?
  • Show me restauraunts near my hotel -or- Give me directions back to my hotel (this works if your hotel confirmation was sent to your gmail account)


  • Play some music (opens “I’m feeling lucky” radio station in Google Play Music)
  • Next Song / Pause Song
  • Play [Happy] (songs must be in Google Play Music on your device)
  • Watch [The Lego Movie] (movies and TV must be in your Google Play account)
  • What’s this song?
  • Listen to TV
  • What songs does [Pharrell] sing?
  • Read [Hunger Games]
  • Did the [Giants] win today? What’s the score in the [Warriors] game?
  • What movies are playing [tonight]? Where is [Toy Story] playing?

Fun hidden stuff

Many of these deliver funny voice responses, but normal search results. Turn up your sound!
  • Flip a coin
  • Roll dice (rolls a single six-sided die)
  • What is the loneliest number?
  • Do a barrel roll!
  • Askew / Tilt
  • Go go Gadget [Spotify]
  • When am I?
  • Make me a sandwich
  • Sudo make me a sandwich
  • Who’s on first?
  • Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right
  • Tell me a joke
  • Who are you?
  • Beam me up, Scotty!
  • What is [Jennifer Lawrence’s] Bacon number?

sumber :


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